Research your local and state vendor competition

See how your competition is bidding with local and state governments.
Get better at competing with and winning against them.

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You want to win more government bids in your and adjacent markets...

You and your competition get solicitations for government work, and there is rarely much detail.

You are all competing using the same information.

You put in bids like everyone else, but you aren't seeing the wins you feel like you should be seeing.

...But your competition seems to be winning way more often

Your competition seems to be winning more than their fair share of bids.

They seem to be in all the other local municipalities that you want to consider bidding.

But finding information about them is like finding a needle in a haystack.

Information is spread across various websites, buried in PDFs, and scattered on government websites and social media.

You want to find the data to help you figure out why they keep winning, and how you can do the same.

Introducing MuniLeads

MuniLeads is a software service that helps you research competitors in the local and state municipalities that you care about. Identify contracts they have secured and projects they are involved in, and get immediate insights when they follow new bids. Easily and automatically conduct competitive analysis on hundreds of companies, save dozens of hours a month, and win more bids immediately.

How does MuniLeads work?


Pick which municipalities you want to subscribe to

Pick from hundreds of municipalities, across all 50 states*. The number you can pick is based on your subscription level. When a new document is posted, our system gets to work.


Search for competitors in your municipalities

Learn about the active contracts they have in place, bids they are following, mentions within government meeting minutes, and more.



Subscribe to any number of competitors to be notified when new results are found.


Learn with whom local governments spend their money

Pick your municipalities and industry, and we'll show you with whom those governments are spending their money by combing active contracts.

Join our waitlist and guide our development

Subscribe to our waiting list and help drive our development. When you subscribe, you will be able to:

  • Guide us towards the municipalities that you want us to cover
  • Shape our software roadmap
  • Get exclusive discounts including lifetime memberships
  • Be able to participate in exclusivity clauses, to ensure your competitors don't get access to our tools